Anställda hos Michael Berglund, ett rekryteringsföretag i Stockholm som utvecklar morgondagens ledare.

We recruit and develop role models

Since 1985, Michaël Berglund has helped Swedish companies and organizations to recruit and develop their leaders. Today, we’re proud to say that we are leaders in this area. As an executive recruitment company, we see it as our responsibility to recruit and develop great leaders who help make a better tomorrow, in both the business sector and the wider society.

A great leader creates secure, more engaged employees who find their jobs more meaningful.

Our history

Our founder, Michaël Berglund, began his career as a doctor. In his profession, he had seen firsthand how poor management could have devastating consequences. In hospitals, weak leadership can literally become a matter of life or death. But in business, too, the actions of leaders in their professional role have huge ripple effects.

A great leader creates secure, more engaged employees who find their jobs more meaningful. Their job satisfaction will spread to the people they meet in their daily lives. The logic is simple.

The certainty that our work has a higher purpose – to actually make the world a bit better – is what drives us at Michaël Berglund to do our best, every day and in every assignment, to find the optimal solution. No matter whether a company is small and local or a multinational, our mission is clear.

We believe that identifying, appointing and training people who end up in leadership positions provides a vital service to society, both to clients and to their employees. When we get it right, it’s right for so many others.

This insight is what has helped Michaël Berglund to evolve into a leading recruitment company in executive recruitment, management development, and board development.

Other companies in the Michaël Berglund Group

Dmatch is an agile recruitment and interim company specializing in technology, digitalization and IT.

Human Core is for leaders who have come a long way, but believe that something more lies ahead. With the insight that self-awareness is the single most important factor for good leadership, they help you dig deep inside to develop.

Our partners

Allbright-loggan. Allbright är en stiftelse som arbetar för jämstalld rekrytering, jämställdhet och mångfald på ledande positioner.


AllBright is a non-partisan, non-profit foundation that pursues greater gender equality and diversity in leading business positions. They continuously survey corporate management teams and boards to shed light on the issue of representation. AllBright educates and supports business leaders and employees alike, giving them the tools they need to drive change themselves, and advocates for merit-based recruitment and seeing potential in the entire population.


The Healthcare Leadership Academy

The Swedish Healthcare Leadership Academy, Sjukvårdens Ledarskapsakademi, is a non-profit foundation that works to increase interest in leadership and to provide the tools for achieving great leadership in Sweden’s healthcare sector. For the past ten years, the foundation has been running a year-long leadership and mentoring program for healthcare managers. It also drives advocacy and the public debate on leadership issues in healthcare.

The Healthcare Leadership Academy

International partners

IIC Partners Executive Search World Wide Logo

IIC Partners Executive Search Worldwide

IIC Partners Executive Search Worldwide is a global top executive search firm. As an IIC partner, Michaël Berglund is an active part of a global organization with 45 offices in 33 countries. Through our sister companies in the organization, we can offer transnational searches and assignments in several countries in parallel.

IIC Partners Global Executive Search
WIL-loggan. WIL-gruppen är ett globalt nätverk för rekryteringsföretag som rekryterar interimschefer och -ledarskap.

Wordwide Interim Leadership Group

The WIL Group is a global network for companies recruiting interim leadership. Its members operate in 37 countries, with Michaël Berglund representing Sweden. In the WIL Group, we gain access to a global talent pool of roughly 38,500 experienced and proven interim consultants.

Wordwide Interim Leadership Group
AESC-loggan. AESC är en internationell branschorganisation som ständigt utvecklar och höjer kvaliteten inom Executive Search-rekryteringsföretag.


The Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants, AESC, is a leading global and independent industry organization whose goal is to promote excellence in executive search worldwide. Through our membership in AESC, we support the high standards of ethics and quality the organization pursues. Membership also allows us to keep up to date with trends and industry developments.


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